The star looks to be about palm-sized (3” for me), stitched all in silver except for four little squares in gold, and in the center a stone to match the ones on the livery collar (for my purposes, an 11mm red cabochon in a gold high-wall setting).
Because it worked well last time, I’m reusing the basic process from the chest star on my TFA Rescue Cap. This'll just be a little more challenging since it's stitching *on* tiny lines instead of filling in large gaps between lines. I did some layout sketches and notes to get an idea of the design, and then cut out a round of felt (for the base) and fabric (for the top) just big enough to fit the embroidery hoop.

Some of the stitches, especially on the smaller inner star, look like *actual* embroidery stitches like a chain stitch, but I’m just doing a very basic in-an-out stitch for the sake of ease.
Hopefully I'll start embroidering in the next few days.
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